Digital era brings numerous advantages to human beings. As every aspect of our daily life is digitalized, digital products are expected to improve the quality of life. For instance, the existence of mobile banking leads to effective practice in the financial management. We do not need to go to bank to send money to relatives, we only need internet connection to our mobile phone to do that regardless place and time.
However, access to digital facilities does not spread equally among different areas. They are mostly available in the big cities instead of rural areas. People who live in small tows sometimes consider that they do not relate to digital era, since they live traditionally and their routines already fulfill their daily needs. For example, farmers in the modest area get their daily consumption from the crops which primarily depend on nature conditions. Nevertheless, we should not let them to be left behind and less educated to digital era.
The gap of digital divide between urban and rural areas can cause imbalance of some aspects such as economical growth and education. If urban farming using sophisticated system like internet of things, we no longer need to depend on climate. As a result, the quality and quantity of harvests can be improved significantly to supply the increasing demand of staples between communities. Digitalization potentially save more time and energy. In another field such as education, curriculum is authorized to adapt to the modern era. If people living in rural areas do not get the access to it, they cannot follow what is up to date. We worry if it leads to the partiality of human resources between some areas.
There are possibly more problems caused by the discrepancy of the digital divide between urban and rural areas. To overcome this, leaders and governments plays critical roles to provide adequate digital facilities in small towns as well as what are available in big cities. In my opinion, access to useful knowledge and skill can be gained if the internet connection is accessible and they know how to operate tools related to it, such as computer and mobile phone. Learning materials can be delivered to them anytime and anywhere utilizing online platforms.